Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Scrambled Eggs Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Egg is one of the natural source of most of the nutrients that are needed for a healthy human body. It is also the reason why egg is one of the most popular ingredients in various recipes. Scrambled egg, is one of the staple breakfast recipe in many parts across the world which is especially true for the Western world. All the nutritional benefits of eggs are loaded in this delicious dish which is adored by one and all. Even one single egg is loaded with plenty of nutrients and is capable of partly fulfilling what we require on a daily basis. More importantly, scrambled eggs is one of the healthiest ways of cooking eggs so that all the essential nutrients remain intact. I am sure you are interested in learning more about scrambled eggs nutrition facts, which is the reason why I am here. Keep reading the following article and find out more about the nutritional information about scrambled eggs.

Scrambled Eggs Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

A single egg, in cooked or raw form is touted as a powerful whole meal. As a result, scrambled eggs are loaded with protein, calcium, various vitamins and various most important minerals. We will try to find out more about nutrition facts of scrambled egg that is large in size, in the coming section of the article.

Scrambled eggs are the richest source of proteins, which are the building block of the body. Proteins creates, maintains and repairs the body cells that make up the entire body systems. A large scrambled egg contains around 7g of proteins which matches up to around 14% of the Required Daily Value (RDA) of proteins. Along with that much of protein one scrambled egg contains around 8g fats, 215mg of cholesterols, 1.3g of total carbohydrates, 1.1g of sugar, 84.2mg of potassium, 2.2g of saturated fats, 2.9g of mono-unsaturated fats and 1.3g of polyunsaturated fats.

Similar to protein, scramble egg is loaded with numerous essential vitamins which are useful in maintaining health of important organs like skin, eyes hair and brains. One large scrambled egg provides you around 320.9 IU of vitamin A, 20.7 IU of vitamin D, 18.3mcg of folate, and traces of other important vitamins like riboflavin, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. Scrambled egg also contains traces of pantothenic acid. As a result, regular consumption of scrambled eggs provides you with a lot of antioxidants that are useful for healthy skin, hair and stronger immune system.

Along with the aforementioned vitamin counts, a scrambled egg is also a rich source of plenty of essential minerals. One large scrambled egg contains around 43.3mg of calcium, 103.7mg of phosphorous, 170.8mg of sodium, 0.7mg of iron and 0.6mg of zinc. Apart from these minerals, scrambled egg is also a source of Choline, Lutein and zeaxanthin. As a matter of fact, egg is a source of as many as 9 essential amino acids and hence, it is the complete protein food source.

One of the biggest concern that hinders people from consuming scrambled eggs is number of the calories in scrambled eggs. Being a rich source of various nutritional elements, scrambled egg is also a big source of calories and cholesterol. One large scrambled egg contains around 101 calories, which means 1 cup of scrambled egg contains more than 360 calories. A high calorie and high cholesterol breakfast, scrambled eggs can be made healthy by reducing and replacing high calorie condiments that we tend to eat with scrambled eggs. Using least amount of butter, milk and oils and replacing white breads with brown ones are some easy steps that you can take to control the calorie count of scramble eggs.

Scrambled egg is a high cholesterol breakfast, which in a way is true. Scrambled egg is a big source of cholesterol since one cup of scrambled eggs contain around 260mg cholesterol. However, it is important to understand that eggs are not high on saturated fats, which are the "bad" fats. As a result, you can moderately consume scrambled eggs for breakfast and in fact, during any meal. To make them even more healthy, you can make scrambled eggs by using only egg whites and eat it with high fiber foods like green and leafy vegetables, onions, tomatoes and seafood.

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