Thursday, September 5, 2013

Uncertainty in Worldwide Oil Supplies

With oil being the main drivers of today's economy, it is clear that the price of oil can make or break the country. Oil prices are influenced by market forces of supply and demand at any time. Let us now investigate deeply into topics on oil supply and check out why oil supply is unstable.

As many of you know, most of the State's oil producers currently developing countries. We will now analyze the oil supply from the following countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Venezuela and Canada. Each of the countries mentioned have the potential to become a major oil exporter if they can set up their oil production.

Russia became a country blessed with large oil reserves have shown the greatest potential to become the largest exporter of oil after Saudi Arabia. However, even though it has a lot of oil, its Government appears to want to oil reserves for their own use and domestic oil taxes instead of developing the oil industry. I believe that this can be associated with rampant corruption in a country where politicians want to raise tax revenues pocketed personal wealth.

To add, even if the Government does not interfere with the Affairs of Russia's oil industry is not motivated to develop infrastructure and oil technology because of oligopoly where only large companies tremendous financial support to survive. Here, the Government's policy is to limit the capacity of oil production in Russia.

Also, with Russia's oil industry is dominated by mega-rich, capitalist Russia oil companies more interested in plundering the country's oil money (when oil prices rise) and transfer to their bank account in Switzerland instead of developing the infrastructure of the oil will drain their wealth. This is because they know that a corrupt, so risky to invest

In addition, with control of oil production in the hands of private individuals, it is difficult to determine the output of oil to Russia since the decision by the human being is determined by the emotion and personal gain, not considering the benefits to the nation and the global market. Unfavorable conditions, it is clear that oil supplies from Russia will become unstable and limited.

In addition to Russia, other manufacturers will potential Kazakhstan, home to such massive Kashagan oil field. However, the country is still plagued by conflicts of race and nation has shown great instability. This has led to a huge disinvestasi because the climate is very risky. Without investment, there is no transfer of advanced technology of oil-rich countries to this nation, the consequences are much more expensive here than in Russia (which is a huge country with more talent).

Despite its Kashagan oil field, it should be noted that there is oil difficult to extract the given technological immaturity of the nation. This problem regarding technological developments compounded with racial conflict has been labeled a nation at risk. Although there have been developed to attract the oil pipeline from Kashagan, they are vulnerable to attack military and natural disasters such as earthquakes. These events must be very unexpected, causing the supply of oil from Kazakhstan to be problematic.

For Nigeria, the oil refinery in the country not yet operate for a very long time due to lack of capital in the industry is important. Although oil into gold, a corrupt Government has failed to look at the underlying opportunities in this business profitable, causing the country to remain in great poverty.

Also, Nigeria marred by civil war in which various social tensions have risen along with the crime rate. With the turbulence in the country, it is certainly to conclude that oil production will for sure. Here, I believe that I am right in saying that Africa is rich in natural resources but poor in leadership.

For Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez who is a huge fan of Fidel Castro and has been renowned for its hard line. This is proven when he was invited to Venezuela franchise Hezbollah terrorists and establish its presence by providing a strong Government support. Autocratic governance in Venezuela has severely restricted foreign investment in the oil industry, limiting and reducing oil production nationwide.

To add, its Government has shown preference in pumping money into projects and social development to improve the image of Chavez's oil infrastructure is not required. Disinvestasi has certainly reduced the capacity of potential oil Venezuela could. Coupled with Chavez regime, it is clear that Venezuela's oil supply would be unwieldy.

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